In other news, I did not get bitten by my rabbit today. You may think that is an odd thing to say, since she doesn't usually bite me, but this time she had a reason. She probably has a UTI or similar, and so we are giving her ten days of antibiotics. By we I mean me, and by giving I mean poking the side of her face until her tiny little mouth opens and I can put a syringe off medicine into it. She wasn't thrilled or cooperative, but she also didn't leap up and start biting me on the face. I gave her a carrot, but she refused to eat it until after I went into the other room (pouting bunny is cute).
Cookies Eaten For Breakfast: 3 + a mini peanut butter cup
Knitting Done Today: Very little, not including tinking.
Pleasure derived from groping Handmaiden's Lady Godiva (see above, the pink yarn <3): Lots
Podcasts Listened To: Early episodes of Sticks & Strings
Bunny Medicine Administered: .5 mg
Fingers Lost to the Bunnicula: 0
Harp Practice: None, but maybe some tonight after dinner at my parents house (where the harp lives)
Willingness to accept that my week off from work is almost over: Zilch
USPS tracking codes for purchases that say only "There is no record of this shipment": 3
^ I am vaguely displeased about this. USPS, you should be telling me when the knitting books and Namaste knitting bag I accidentally bought yesterday will arrive! I need to know!
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